
Why Proven?

Proven was started to simplify the complexities of managing waste

Managing waste strategy, reduction, and services can be overwhelming for those outside the industry, yet it often represents a significant cost for many operations. Optimizing services involves multiple nuances, including choosing the right hauling methods, managing commodities, negotiating rebates, and developing an overall sustainability strategy.

Additionally, since haulers are heavily invested in their own infrastructure (trucks and landfills), they tend to offer solutions that benefit their business and model. In contrast, Proven provides unbiased, industry-leading solutions that align with our clients’ sustainability goals.

One invoice

One report

One point of contact

One invoice

One report

One point of contact

Why choose us?

We guarantee you savings. No savings – no agreement. At Proven, we guarantee to do things differently, and better. We are committed to lowering your waste costs and increasing waste diversion from landfills.

At Proven, we are focused on “Kaizen”—the principle of continuous improvement.

We are more than a management company; we are your partners in sustainability.

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